Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Rest of the Story

1.  Who founded Philadelphia in 1682?
2.  Which public office did George Washington hold, while living in Philadelphia?
3.  What was first published in Philadelphia?
4.  What symbol of America was created in Philadelphia?
5.  What was the nations first University?
6.  What condiment was invented in Philadelphia?
7.  What strange collection is housed (Not for public view) in Philadelphia?
8.  What three foods are native to Philadelphia?
9.  Where is the oldest (in use) stone bridge in the USA located?
10. What is Kennett Square known as?
11.  What famous document was signed in Philadelphia?

This is how Senior Missionaries party while on their missions.  

How many hours does it take to drive from Provo MTC to Philadelphia?
How many trucks use Interstate 80 on a normal day?
What is the speed limit for an Amish buggy to travel on US highways?
How many of you have a city named after you?

This is a special game for you to use at your next Family Home Evening.  We will post the answers after October 3.  Get Crackin!

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